Digitisation of Paper Medical Records – Privacy Notice
The NHS Long Term plan published in 2019 requires the digitisation of all primary care paper medical records, commonly known as ‘Lloyd George’ records or ‘A4 medical records’
Having paper based medical records restricts the use of technology to provide ‘joined up’ services and therefore the current paper records will be transferred to a digital format and then destroyed.
This will involve the current patient paper medical records being scanned and then entered directly into a patient’s electronic medical record. This work will be completed by a third-party supplier, NEC Software Solutions UK Limited (formerly known as Northgate Public Services), whose security standards have been reviewed by NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board (BC ICB).
We are required by Data Protection law to provide you with the following information about how we handle your information.
Data Controller contact details
Dr Nasir Asghar Pinfold Medical, Pinfold Health Centre
Data Protection Officer contact details
Hayley Gidman, Head of Information Governance MLCSU
Contact address: Heron House, 120 Grove Road, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 4LX
Telephone: 01782 872648
Email: mlcsu.dpo@nhs.net
Purpose of the processing
Transferring the current paper medical records into patients’ electronic medical records.
Lawful basis for processing
The following provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation permit us to digitise existing paper medical records:
Article 6(1)(e) – ‘processing is necessary…in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller...’’
Article 9(2)(h) – ‘processing is necessary for the purpose of preventative…medicine…the provision of health or social care or treatment or the management of health or social care systems and services...’
Recipient or categories of recipients of the processed data
The paper patient records will be shared with NEC, who will scan and digitise the current paper medical records before destroying them.
Right to access and correction
You have the right to access your medical record and have any errors or mistakes corrected. Please speak to a member of staff or look at our ‘subject access request’ policy on the practice website
Retention period
GP medical records will be kept in line with the law and national guidance. Information on how long records can be kept can be found within the NHS Records Management Code of Practice [EXTERNAL PDF LINK] or speak to the Practice. The paper medical records will be destroyed 60 days after they are transferred to an electronic format and written confirmation received from the practice in accordance with national standards.
The practice holds medical records to provide medical treatment and advice and patients have a relationship with a GP in order for them to be provide health and care service to you. We therefore do not require your consent to transfer these papers records to an electronic format.
If you have any questions about this project, please contact Fran Freeman, BC ICB Lloyd George Digitisation Project Manager; Tel; 0121 612 4110 (Time-2-Talk).
Please note that information about your rights covered by Data Protection legislation and the complaints procedure are detailed in the Practice’s Main Privacy Notice
Details of Supplier:
NEC Software Solutions UK Limited (formerly known as Northgate Public Services)
Suite 101, 1st Floor iMex Centre
575-599 Maxted Road
Hemel Hempstead
Document scanning that's secure and efficient - NEC Software Solutions (necsws.com)